Original miniature paintings


Painting of deer : wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"Oh ma biche!"

Miniature painting of a doe : wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"Après le bain"

"Avant l'envol"


"Merle au bain"

Painting of blackbird in the bath : wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"Face to face"



"Frou Frou"

"Jeu de l'oie"


Miniature painting : red-tail - wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"Florida Light"

Miniature painting of a doe by wildlife artist Laurence Saunois


House sparrow painting : wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"La quête du froid"

Miniature painting : white wolf - wildlife artist Laurence Saunois

"Promesse d'amour"



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