"Jeu de l'oie"  



This small miniature painting done in oil on a panel represents a goose next to a drinking water point. It seems to be standing guard or waiting for a kind person to open the water tap so that it can drink. This small painting is framed with a double mat and a matte black frame with slightly visible wood veins. It is delivered ready to be hung on the wall or placed on a piece of furniture.<

Learn more about Miniature Paintings

Nowadays, a miniature painting is a painting whose dimensions do not exceed 10 cm x 15 cm. But they are often much smaller. The art of miniature painting goes back far in history. Originally, artists made miniature portraits for their patrons to wear. Miniature paintings have endured even after the advent of photography .... Read more

The Avantages

. Easily collectable
Even if you don't own a very large home, with miniature paintings, you can easily build up a collection of original artwork.

. Small size
Indeed, they can be put on a piece of furniture or hung on the wall taking only little space.

. Quality artwork
Even if the paintings are very small, they have everything of the big ones (details, colors, composition, etc...).

Art contributes to happiness!

"I believe that artistic creation is essential to happiness and personal development for all. This is why I create artworks related to nature in order to connect people to the natural world that surrounds them. Each one is unique and each one will connect you in some way to the serenity and tranquility of the animal or plant kingdom. To adopt one of my works in your home is to adopt a way of seeing life through art". Laurence Saunois

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Who is Laurence Saunois, internationally renowned artist and winner of the BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year

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Laurence SAUNOIS, Artiste
1060 Route de la Tour Nègre - Jammary
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